[ubuntu-hardened] selinux-policy-default

Chad Sellers csellers at tresys.com
Mon Jan 28 19:54:26 GMT 2008

On 1/28/08 1:59 PM, "Kees Cook" <kees at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> Is there (eventually) going to be a migration path towards SELinux?
> One of the things I'd like to see for Hardy is an easy way for people to
> use SELinux.  While Ubuntu will continue to use AppArmor by default due
> to it more closely matching our usability goals, I don't want to see
> this stopping people from being able to use SELinux where they want to.
Which as some of you know is exactly what we're working on. We've made good
progress, so I believe we'll get to the point that switching on SELinux in
Hardy is as simple as apt-get install selinux and a reboot.


Chad Sellers

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