[ubuntu-hardened] SELinux support in upstart

Paul Sladen ubuntu at paul.sladen.org
Sun Mar 18 03:15:13 GMT 2007

On Sat, 17 Mar 2007, Chad Sellers wrote:


Perhaps you're able to answer this.  

> I just checked out the status of SELinux in Ubuntu for the first time  
> in a while by looking at Feisty Herd 5. It looks like much of the  
> userspace tool support is present, as much of this is pulled from  
> Debian etch. The one big hole remaining seems to be SELinux support  
> in upstart. I realize you can switch back to sysvinit to get SELinux  
> support, but that's clearly not desirable in the long term. Have you  
> guys looked at adding SELinux support to upstart? Do you think this  
> would be well received upstream?

Chad: perhaps you could outline what support needs adding.

Why do one side of a triangle when you can do all three.   Nottingham, GB

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