[ubuntu-hardened] SELinux: Status of SysVinit?

Thomas Bleher bleher at informatik.uni-muenchen.de
Tue Feb 21 02:13:59 GMT 2006

Hi together,

I recently started working on updated SELinux packages for Ubuntu
(mainly repolicy-packages). I saw that the SELinux patch in sysvinit was
disabled but I could not find a clear reason why (which messages where
regarded as annoying?). Is anyone working on a patch to fix this issue?
If not, can anyone clue me in about the issue so I can create a patch?
That would be really nice!

Another question: Is anyone currently working on SELinux in Ubuntu? I'm
in contact with Erich Schubert who is currently building Debian packages.
If anyone else is working on this topic please let me know so we can
coordinate our efforts.


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