[ubuntu-gt soporte] que opinan de esto: Rv: New reply: Produce Creative Suite for Linux

Demuxer @gmail demuxer en gmail.com
Mie Nov 14 20:56:30 UTC 2012

Vaya respuestas las que dan o.O
Afortunadamente - aunque no sustitetuye la suite- Mozilla acaba de lanzar
su proyecto Shumway para poder renderizar .swf con codigo abierto, esto
ayudará en parte a ser menos dependientes de Adobe:

#Mozilla <https://plus.google.com/s/%23Mozilla> publicly announces the
#opensource <https://plus.google.com/s/%23opensource> Flash-renderer
#Shumway <https://plus.google.com/s/%23Shumway> project http://rod.gs/j6m

On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 10:13 PM, Edyn Pedrarias Ixcol Vàsquez <
pedrarias8 en yahoo.es> wrote:

>  yo si estaría interesado en pagar creative suite for linux, tengo mis
> razones por el tipo de trabajo que hago.  Saludos lista.
> ________________________________
> Edyn Ixcol Vásquez
> GNU/Linux User #411539
> Ubuntu User #30961
> www.identi.ca/edyn81
> www.twitter.com/edyn81
> ----- Mensaje reenviado -----
> De: Adobe on Get Satisfaction! <noreply.adobe en getsatisfaction.com>
> Para: Adobe on Get Satisfaction! <noreply.adobe en getsatisfaction.com>
> Enviado: Domingo 11 de noviembre de 2012 17:38
> Asunto: New reply: Produce Creative Suite for Linux
> kilian klaiber replied to Produce Creative Suite for Linux, an idea about
> Adobe.
> "there is no culture of “pay-software” on the Linux community"
> That's not true judging by the number of payed apps that have been
> developed for the ubuntu software center. Steam is being ported to linux.
> So game developers appear to believe that they can make a buck.
> "The second thing to consider is the platform fragmentation..."
> The vast majority of linux-users use a debian based distribution like
> debian, ubuntu, mint,... Users of other distribution will port the adobe
> suite to their package manager, you can be assured of that;-) These efforts
> have a long history in linux, its called community;-).
> "The third issue to consider is the extremists in the free-software
> community..."
> So what? The extremists play no significant role and cannot dictate how
> everyone else uses free software.
> "The fourth issue to consider is the patents.." This issue is no different
> on windows than on linux. Adobe must not use any open software in order to
> present a linux-compatible version of Adobe CS. That's complete rubbish.
> Go look at this reply | Stop following this idea
> ________________________________
> This message sent from the Adobe community on Get Satisfaction.
> To unsubscribe or change your email settings, click here.
> ----------------
> Create a customer community for your company at GetSatisfaction.com.
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