[ubuntu-gt soporte] Ayuda

Rodolfo Reyes rodareyes en gmail.com
Vie Sep 3 05:34:07 BST 2010

El 2 de septiembre de 2010 18:44, Erick Larrazabal
<erickesd en hotmail.com>escribió:

> Ak con un problema quisiera saber donde se reunen uds. soy nuevo en este
> tema y deseo aprender bien; tengo una netbook de 2g de capacidad de
> almacenamiento y quisiera saber si me pueden ayudar a instalarle una version
> de ubuntu ya que he intentado con la 10.4 y me dice que se require almenos
> una particion de 2.4g. Agredeciendo de antemano cualquier luz.
> Drew Ramirez
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Lightweight GUI alternative (Xubuntu)

If you have an old or low-spec computer or want to get the most out of your
hardware, using a lightweight desktop system such as *Xubuntu* is
recommended, as it should make more efficient use of your system's
resources. Of course, even if you have the newest equipment out, you could
still use Xubuntu.

If your system has less than 192 MB of system memory, use the *Alternate
Installation CD*.

*Note:* If you have a low-specification computer, certain features may be
automatically turned off to conserve system resources. For example, if you
have a graphics card with only a small amount of video memory (VRAM), the
boot-up screen may not be shown.

Follow this link for detailed instructions:

Minimum system requirements for Xubuntu would fall roughly between Ubuntu
Server and Desktop:

   - 256 MiB of system memory (RAM)
   - 2 GB of disk space
   - Graphics card and monitor capable of 800x600 resolution

Regarding processors, a recent thread on the Ubuntu Forums describes a 500
MHz Xubuntu machine as being "too slow" and discusses alternatives:

Rodolfo Daniel Reyes Ruano
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