[ubuntu-gt] gracias

Amílcar de León adario21 en gmail.com
Lun Jun 8 18:22:19 BST 2009

k bien

On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 11:18 AM, ElBek <orblando en gmail.com> wrote:

> My 25-year-old child, the Free Software Movement, occupies most of my life,
> leaving no room for more children, but I still have room to love a
> sweetheart if she doesn't need to spend time with me every day. I spend a
> lot of my time traveling to give speeches, often to Europe, Asia and Latin
> America; it would be nice if you were free to travel with me some of the
> time.
> If you are interested, write to *rms at gnu dot org and we'll see where it
> leads. *
> --
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Amílcar de León
Linux User # 480121
Ubuntu User # 24697
"No me disgusta que se copie un programa en contra de la ley de otro país,
porque lo que es ilegítimo es la ley, no la copia. Romper una ley injusta no
es malo" - Richard Stallman -
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