[ubuntu-gt] Colaborando con el Software Libre
Estuardo Rodas
israhes en gmail.com
Mar Jul 7 16:12:05 BST 2009
Noticias de nuestro amigo.
Applied for a broadband connection from a different service provider
> the one which i applied for never called me back! The state of
> broadband in India is very very bad. I don't know when i will get the
> connection, but will help a lot to the project. 5 days should be
> good.I want the distro to be up and running within this month and then
> i will work on the feaures the user request so that we get a more
> better distro the next time round. If you can please find someone who
> wants to contribute artwork for the next release or who can help in
> the development of the distro, will you join me as a website designer,
> who is in charge of developing the website, please note that i won't
> have much money till say one year so if you are willing to work for a
> low amount or for nothing i will be happy to hear from you, when i
> have got enough money i will pay you instantly, and one more thing
> will you join the project?
> I am hoping for the best :)
El pobre ha de sufrir con una conexión de 56kb/s
Cualquier persona que quiera colaborar será bienvenida. Yo me apunto con el
diseño web.
Estuardo Rodas
Diseño Web es lo nuestro!
admin en iguate.com
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