FOSSCOMM meeting: Request for goodies and swags items

fosscomm2018 fosscomm2018 at
Thu Jun 28 14:21:19 UTC 2018

Dear Sir or Madam,

On October 13-14, 2018 the FOSSCOMM organizing committee will hold the 
11th FOSSCOMM meeting.

FOSSCOMM (Free and Open Source Software Communities Meeting) is the 
pan-Hellenic conference of free and open source software communities. It 
is addressed at programmers, students and anyone else interested in the 
open source movement, despite their background. Participating 
communities include the Hellenic Linux User Group (HELLUG), contributors 
of open source projects such as Mozilla, Fedora, OpenSuse, KDE and more. 
The content of the conference includes a wide variety of topics ranging 
from technical issues and workshops to translations, legal issues, 
political issues concerning opensource software and hardware.

The event is usually attended by a few hundreds of people, with the 
largest number having been recorded in Patras in 2011 with about 450 
participants. It is held on an annual basis since 2008 and till today it 
has been organized in 6 different cities. This year we are expecting 
approximately 400 participants.

In preparation for this event, we are asking for your support in 
donating items (swags) like t-shirts, stickers, banners, usb-sticks, 
CDs/DVDs that will be given for free to the participants. Swags are 
loved by all, and they are a great way to market your
organization or your project. Please note that everything is organized 
and set up by volunteers and financing comes from sponsorships and 

Thank you for your time and consideration of 11th FOSSCOMM meeting.
We are really glad to answer any questions and we are most appreciative 
of any contribution you might be willing to make.

You can contact with us and stay informed about our news through:

Website :
E-mail : fosscomm2018 at
Facebook :
Twitter :
Gooogle+ :
Mastodon :
Matrix channel (chat) :


FOSSCOMM 2018 organizing committee,
University of Crete Radio Station
τοLΑΒάκι hackerspace
Graduate Students Union, Computer Science Department, UoC

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