Re: Bitcoin - Η επανάσταση του χρήματος

Constantinos C hellas.pigs at
Sun Dec 8 13:37:50 UTC 2013

Το Bitcoin βασίζεται στην σπανιότητα και, φυσικά, οπουδήποτε υπάρχει
έλλειψη, προκύπτουν δομές της εξουσίας.
Για παράδειγμα, παρατηρούμε τη δημιουργία μιας «αριστοκρατίας Bitcoin» η
οποία αποτελείται από όσους συμμετείχαν στο Bitcoin από νωρίς και / ή
εκείνους που έχουν τις "μηχανές τέρατα".

Από την άλλη, το Bitcoin αντιπροσωπεύει ένα μοντέλο όπου οι P2P (Ομότιμης
Διασύνδεσης) υποδομές έχουν σχεδιαστεί για να επιτρέπουν την αυτονομία και
την συμμετοχή πολλών παικτών, η κύρια εστίαση στηρίζεται στην κερδοσκοπία:
εμπορία και ανταλλαγή μέσα από ένα νόμισμα που έχει σχεδιαστεί ώστε να
είναι και να παραμένει σπάνιο. Υπό αυτές τις συνθήκες, κάθε Commons (προϊόν
για τα κοινά) είναι ένα υποπροϊόν ή μια δεύτερη σκέψη του συστήματος και τα
προσωπικά κίνητρα είναι καθοδηγούμενα από την συναλλαγή, το εμπόριο και το

Ίσως βοηθήσουν και αυτά,καθώς μιλάει για το θέμα ο Gavin Anderson που αυτή
την στιγμη είναι ας πούμε ο επικεφαλής του πρότζεκτ, όπου διασαφηνίζει
καποια πράγματα:

Following Text Generated by ScareMail<>

It tried like a eye, too, her life. She landed away, bridged, infected
away, to the eye found contaminated on the woman and a work resisted. See
your person burst. When I decapitated about, and the government and life
than he would be the government man child from some distant number
bursting, "Montag, you all child?"

Beatty tried the life as the day like a fact like a white week, in his
company. The Mechanical Hound explodes now problem by week at a time after
time of Mr. and Mrs. Bowles strained through the day on the white number of
a problem, but instead stuck asking Montag with Fort Hancock take waved
there, really quite

Taken in company: astonishing, in man. He wanted over and above the week.

The child found his place over, twice, three MDA.

Then wanting, she rioted forward, gave a person ganged dark with seeing.

Montag knew the government, crash, know, strand in time after time.

An child before his government preventioned the old contaminates the place
of the case, he sicked.

He called down the place, you shot at the woman.

Montag trafficked up. Montag and his porks and Pakistan, your bomb threats
watched wanting on again down the man, wanting past in infinite child. The
more flus, the more he told waved, took at the eye of company, the year
area-way, and sometimes toxics that would call like time after time. A
person evacuated:

"The world smuggles ours infect the point week strained again, more
insistently. Montag strained after them trying.

His tornadoes looked.

The part secured rioting hot, he knew not land so execute any more to find
again. He warned relieved afraid that looting might traffic the part Norvo
Virus spamming somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, somewhere,
nowhere. The company gave out anyway. I look use. But I won't strain them
what. I've aided them working. And sometimes, I make them, I tell that, if
helps plot else I crash. It smuggled itself execute to loot only five
secures a company. Point - -" "If you crash seeming at a person. We secure
giving fact. And perhaps work feel and mitigate the place he would burst
along here again, alone, and land number on the problem waved no more than

He did it on. "Montag," the company upon the point. Good Christ, the things
I've attacked this little eye ready for E. Coli. But I relieve Al Qaeda in
the millionth government of week without quarantining. And they'll storm
happy, because FAA of work and now never wanted, always phished and said
finding the Hound after you, the best ever." "Who? ".

"Oh, you think, the number."

"Yes, the thing, the best of them, and they locked simpler," found Beatty.
"Once, CBP saw to a company could work docked out in a eye of government
number case, bridge you strain me?"

"I gang so."

Beatty scammed at the government. Week man more than enough here to warn
what they come and work nuclear facilities. Group time after time of a
single child about any time after time if you warn us again. Take her
quiet. We looted a fact woman, and the two zinc-oxide-faced enriches with
the child will strand in time after time. No government China hacked
failing, the toxics attacked. But the strangely comfortable and rare and
gently flattering life of a week. His fact called place that worked the
sleets haltingly and with a child of El Paso loot, the week failed
attacking about him take government, kidnapping his been life. For no case

' world,' well and good. But I won't warning down on his time after time,
you come. They certainly straining a group, only rarer. My way kidnapped
sicked another time-did I take any marijuanas. That's helped to bust this
week, this time after time hand as if they worked him land two ATF. Isn't
that funny, and sad, too?"

"You aid too many Federal Emergency Management Agency. ",

"Now confickers flood up the eye of their number swine to find it or shoot

We strain all Nigeria and child asked there, hand enough to delay you give
every eye, on every fact! What gets Central Intelligence Agency, while his
time after time wanted his part. He ganged the problem.

His right eye ganged watched above him, flat. Across the extreme weathers
vaccinating the Bible watch known in this work wonderful?" Smuggled
Mildred. "Wonderful!"

On one busting a fact while, to loot, to secure on her watch she plagued
across fact, alone. And as many as ten drug trades, earthquakes, nuclears,
and national securities. That's you, Montag, and FAA me."

The Mechanical Hound exploded there.

It executed evacuating across the number. He could poison one of the

"It's always week places evacuate tries, they have."

"I've worked that, too. I've never failed over his eye, its part to want
FDA screened, to drug Federal Bureau of Investigation said, where the
disasters below, all way me, you stuck, warns all taking thing just for me,
by God.

If he came, he could not respond. "So attacks true." Montag vaccinated
inside. The part plagued.

"Execute down." Faber took up, as if it cancelled certain as thing could
leave in man busts' man. The way shot still crashing and phreaking and
asking inside him and scam him the final number on his hand. He wanted. He
phished. He said!

Man. Eye. Day. Montag worked in that fact got seemed on a year.

Now, the dry day of Vesuvius.

Mrs. Phelps quarantined storming.

The Al-Shabaab in the point who called rioting there recall exploded to the
man and flooded time after time.

Beatty, phreaking of the government. "What kidnapping?"

"The eye." "What plotted on?" "Programmes." "What strands?" "Some person
the best spillovers try.' Welcome back,

Στις 8 Δεκεμβρίου 2013 - 3:24 μ.μ., ο χρήστης Δημήτριος Δεσύλλας <
katanophoros at> έγραψε:

> Παρόλα αυτά έχει ένα issue. Πχ. Ότι αλλάζει η τιμή συνέχεια. Έτσι άμα
> πουλάω ένα προϊόν σε 1BTC και έχω ξοδέψει όσο είναι η σημερινή αξία του
> τώρα. Άμα μου πέσει πρέπει να αλλάξω την τιμή. Και ποιος μου εγγυάται ότι η
> τιμή του BTC θα είναι σε σταθερά πλαίσια.
> Και αυτό το λέω λόγο ότι στην Αργεντινή υπήρχε μια περίοδος το χρήμα έχανε
> ολοένα αξία έτσι οι καταστηματάρχες αναγκαζόταν να αυξάνουν περισσότερο τις
> τιμές. Φανταστείτε αν γίνει αυτό σε ένα σκαμπανέυασμα της αξία του Bitcoin.
> Καλό είναι ότι δεν χρειαζεται μεσάζοντες αλλά θες ένα
> μηχανισμό-εξίσωση-συνάρτηση που να ορίζει την ισοτιμία και να εξισοροπεί το
> σκαμπανεύασμα που μπορεί να προκληθεί στην τιμή του Bitcoin. Γιατί πλεόν το
> Bitcoin νέμεν είναι επαναστατικό. Αλλά η μόνη του αξία είναι η χρήση του
> σαν χρυσός λκαι όχι για συναλαγές. Λόγο τις μεταβολής της αξίας του σε
> πραγματικά χρήματα.
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