Fwd: Pre-orders for 12.04 release

George Christofis geochr22 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 23:03:46 UTC 2012

Έγινε αίτημα για την προ-εγγραφφή και την εκδήλωση ενδιαφέροντος της
κοινότητάς μας για την αποστολή των cd της νέας έκδοσης 12.04, Φέτος είναι
250 desktop cd για Ubuntu και 50 Server.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ubuntu Shipit <info at shipit.ubuntu.com>
Date: 2012/4/5
Subject: Pre-orders for 12.04 release
To: loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
Cc: Blythe Spiegel <blythe.spiegel at canonical.com>

> I'm happy to tell you that it is time to submit requests for
> pre-orders of the new 12.04 Release!
> As always, please submit your requests via the online form at
> https://forms.canonical.com/lococd/
> It is vital that you correctly fill in all the required fields marked
> with an *. If these fields are left empty or are incorrectly filled
> in, your request will not be processed successfully. It is also
> important to include a zip/post code if you have one as this will help
> us process your request faster. Zip/post code is no longer a vital
> field as we understand that some countires do not have one.
  I would also like to remind you that only a Loco team administrator
can request a pre-order for CDs.  If the request is submitted by anyone
else the request will be declined.

Please note that we are no longer including Kubuntu CDs in the Loco
packs effective with this release. The software, of course, will still
available on-line for download.

The release goes Live on the 26/04/12, so please get your pre-orders in
as soon as possible.


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