κάποια έγγραφα δεν τυπώνονται σε 10.04 ενώ δεν είχα πρόβλημα σε 9.04
Nick Demou
ndemou at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 16:35:18 BST 2010
Μετά από μετάβαση από 9.04 σε 10.04 άλλα έγγραφα τυπώνονται σε έναν HP
LJ M1120n (network printer) και άλλα όχι (η μετάβαση έγινε με νέο
install αλλά κρατώντας το παλιό μου /home)
Με εκτύπωση σε αρχείο και επιλογή pdf ή ps τυπώνω μια χαρά
Παράδειγμα εγγράφου που δεν μπορώ να τυπώσω στον HP είναι αυτή η ιστοσελίδα:
Τα συμπτώματα της αποτυχίας είναι
1) δεν τυπώνει τίποτα ή τυπώνει μόνο τις πρώτες σελίδες και μετά σταματά
και μετά
2) εμφανίζεται ένα γενικό μήνυμα αποτυχίας (~"η εκτύπωση απέτυχε")
και αν πάω στις ιδιότητες βλέπω αυτό:
job-printer-state-message: /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip failed
Ζητώντας να γίνει debuging καταλήγω σε ένα αναλυτικό log εκ του οποίου
παραθέτω μερικές γραμμές που έχουν τα πιο "καταστροφικά" μηνύματα (το
_πλήρες_ log παρατίθεται στο τέλος του post)
cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files
[Job 90] prnt/hpijs/hpijs.cpp 694: unable to read client data err=-2
[Job 90] renderer received signal 11
[Job 90] Kid3 exit status: 1
[Job 90] prnt/backend/hp.c 839: ERROR: null print job total=0
PID 3960 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip) stopped with status 9!
PID 3961 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp) exited with no errors.
Ότι ιδέες έχετε για το πως μπορώ να κάνω troubleshooting (π.χ. τι
μπορώ να δοκιμάσω, πως μπορώ να απομονώσω το πρόβλημα κτλ)
ακολουθεί το πλήρες log:
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 1.1 Get-Jobs 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 84] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 87] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 88] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 89] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Jobs (ipp://localhost/printers/) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 1.1 Get-Jobs 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost/printers/
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 7] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 8] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 9] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 10] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 11] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 12] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 13] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 14] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 15] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 16] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 17] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 18] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 19] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 20] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 21] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 22] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 23] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 24] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 25] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 26] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 27] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 28] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 29] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 30] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 31] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 32] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 33] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 34] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 35] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 36] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 37] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 38] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 39] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 40] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 41] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 42] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 43] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 44] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 45] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 46] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 47] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 48] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 49] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 50] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 51] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 52] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 53] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 54] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 55] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 56] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 57] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 58] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 59] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 60] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 61] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 62] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 63] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 64] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 65] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 66] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 67] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 68] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 69] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 70] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 71] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 72] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 73] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 74] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 75] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 76] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 77] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 78] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 79] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 80] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 81] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 82] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 83] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 85] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] [Job 86] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Jobs (ipp://localhost/printers/) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 1.1
Create-Printer-Subscription 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] Create-Printer-Subscription /
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300]
cupsdCreateSubscription(con=0x22c15dd0(12), uri="/")
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] pullmethod="ippget"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] notify-lease-duration=86400
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] notify-time-interval=0
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdAddSubscription(mask=17800,
dest=(nil)(), job=(nil)(0), uri="(null)")
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] Added subscription 21 for server
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Create-Printer-Subscription (/) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:09 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:10 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:10 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:10 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 1.1 Get-Notifications 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:10 +0300] Get-Notifications /
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:10 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="ndemou"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:10 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Notifications (/) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:10 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 14 from localhost (Domain)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 14 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] CUPS-Get-Printers
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 14 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] CUPS-Get-Default
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:18 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 15 from localhost (Domain)
I [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] Generating printcap /var/run/cups/printcap...
I [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] Saving subscriptions.conf...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 15 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 15 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] CUPS-Get-Printers
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 16 from localhost (Domain)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 16 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 16 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] CUPS-Get-Printers
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 17 from localhost (Domain)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 17 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 17 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] CUPS-Get-Printers
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 14 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] CUPS-Get-Printers
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 14 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] CUPS-Get-Default
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:36 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 14 1.1 CUPS-Get-Printers 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] CUPS-Get-Printers
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 14 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 14 1.1 CUPS-Get-Default 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] CUPS-Get-Default
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 18 from localhost (Domain)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 1.1 Get-Printer-Attributes 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Get-Printer-Attributes
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Printer-Attributes (ipp://localhost:631/printers/HP1120n) from
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 POST
/printers/HP1120n HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 1.1 Create-Job 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Create-Job ipp://localhost:631/printers/HP1120n
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] add_job: requesting-user-name="ndemou"
I [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Adding start banner page "none".
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)
I [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Queued on "HP1120n" by "ndemou".
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Create-Job (ipp://localhost:631/printers/HP1120n) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 POST
/printers/HP1120n HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 1.1 Send-Document 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Send-Document
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="ndemou"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Auto-typing file...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Request file type is application/pdf.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)
I [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] File of type application/pdf
queued by "ndemou".
I [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Adding end banner page "none".
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients,
printing jobs, and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] job-sheets=none,none
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] argv[0]="HP1120n"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] argv[1]="90"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] argv[2]="ndemou"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] argv[3]="αποτέλεσμα.ps"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] argv[4]="1"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] argv[5]="finishings=3
media=iso_a4_210x297mm number-up=1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00090-001"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[8]="HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
envp[10]="SERVER_ADMIN=root at ndemou-laptop"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[11]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.4.3"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[12]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[13]="TZ=Europe/Athens"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[14]="USER=root"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[16]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[17]="IPP_PORT=631"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[18]="CHARSET=utf-8"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[19]="LANG=el_GR.UTF-8"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[20]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/HP1120n.ppd"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[21]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=515017k"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[22]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/pdf"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[24]="PRINTER_INFO=HP
LaserJet m1120n MFP"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[25]="PRINTER_LOCATION="
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[26]="PRINTER=HP1120n"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] envp[27]="CUPS_FILETYPE=document"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
I [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Started filter
/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 3959)
I [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Started filter
/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 3960)
I [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Started backend
/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp (PID 3961)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Send-Document (ipp://localhost:631/printers/HP1120n) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 WAITING Closing on EOF
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdCloseClient: 18
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Getting input from file
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] foomatic-rip version
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Parsing PPD file ...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Added option Resolution
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Added option PageSize
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Added option Model
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Added option PrintoutMode
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Added option MediaType
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Added option InputSlot
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Added option Quality
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Added option ImageableArea
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Added option PaperDimension
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Added option Font
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Parameter Summary
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] -----------------
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Spooler: cups
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Printer: HP1120n
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Shell: /bin/bash
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] PPD file: /etc/cups/ppd/HP1120n.ppd
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] ATTR file:
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Printer model: HP LaserJet
m1120n MFP hpijs, 3.10.2
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Job title: αποτέλεσμα.ps
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] File(s) to be printed:
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] <STDIN>
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Ghostscript extra search path
('GS_LIB'): /usr/share/cups/fonts
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Printing system options:
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Pondering option 'finishings=3'
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Unknown option finishings=3.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Pondering option
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Unknown "media" component:
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Pondering option 'number-up=1'
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Unknown option number-up=1.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Pondering option
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Unknown option
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Pondering option
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Unknown option
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Options from the PPD file:
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] File: <STDIN>
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Filetype: PDF
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Storing temporary files in
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] PID 3959
(/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] File contains 8 pages
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Starting renderer with
command: gs -dFirstPage=1 -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET
-dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595
-sDeviceModel="HP LaserJet 1018" -r600
-dIjsUseOutputFD -sOutputFile=- /var/spool/cups/tmp/foomatic-WHzare
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Starting process "kid3" (generation 1)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Starting process "kid4" (generation 2)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Starting process "renderer"
(generation 2)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] JCL: %-12345X at PJL
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] <job data>
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90]
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 18 from localhost (Domain)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients,
printing jobs, and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 1.1 Get-Notifications 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Get-Notifications /
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="ndemou"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Notifications (/) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients,
printing jobs, and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 1.1 Get-Job-Attributes 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/90
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Job-Attributes (ipp://localhost/jobs/90) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients,
printing jobs, and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 1.1 Get-Notifications 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Get-Notifications /
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="ndemou"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Notifications (/) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 20 from localhost (Domain)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 20 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients,
printing jobs, and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 20 1.1 Get-Printer-Attributes 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Get-Printer-Attributes
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Printer-Attributes (ipp://ndemou-laptop:0/printers/HP1120n) from
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 20 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients,
printing jobs, and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 20 1.1 Get-Job-Attributes 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/90
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Job-Attributes (ipp://localhost/jobs/90) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Printing jobs and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] prnt/hpijs/hpijs.cpp 694:
unable to read client data err=-2
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] renderer received signal 11
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Kid3 exit status: 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] prnt/backend/hp.c 839: ERROR:
null print job total=0
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] PID 3960
(/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip) stopped with status 9!
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] PID 3961 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/hp)
exited with no errors.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)
E [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] [Job 90] Job stopped due to filter
errors; please consult the error_log file for details.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(----J-)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 WAITING Closing on EOF
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdCloseClient: 18
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 18 from localhost (Domain)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 1.1 Get-Notifications 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Get-Notifications /
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="ndemou"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Notifications (/) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 19 from localhost (Domain)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 19 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 19 1.1 Get-Printer-Attributes 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Get-Printer-Attributes
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Printer-Attributes (ipp://ndemou-laptop:0/printers/HP1120n) from
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 19 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 19 1.1 Get-Job-Attributes 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/90
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Job-Attributes (ipp://localhost/jobs/90) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 1.1 Get-Notifications 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Get-Notifications /
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="ndemou"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Notifications (/) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 WAITING Closing on EOF
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:38 +0300] cupsdCloseClient: 18
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:39 +0300] [Job 90] Unloading...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:45 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:45 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:45 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:45 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 1.1 Get-Job-Attributes 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:45 +0300] Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/90
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:45 +0300] [Job 90] Loading attributes...
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:45 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Get-Job-Attributes (ipp://localhost/jobs/90) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:45 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 POST / HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 12 1.1 Cancel-Subscription 1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] Cancel-Subscription /
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] cupsdIsAuthorized: requesting-user-name="ndemou"
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] Returning IPP successful-ok for
Cancel-Subscription (/) from localhost
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] cupsdAcceptClient: 18 from localhost (Domain)
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] cupsdReadClient: 18 GET
/admin/log/error_log HTTP/1.1
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients and dirty files
D [01/Jun/2010:18:03:46 +0300] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
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