Top 100 of the Best (Useful) OpenSource Applications

Pavlos Ponos ponospaulos at
Sat Mar 1 15:33:42 GMT 2008

O/H Siniorakis Spiridon έγραψε:
> Στην επόμενη διεύθυνση, δίνεται μία ενδιαφέρουσα συλλογή με 100 χρήσιμα
> προγράμματα ελεύθερα και ανοικτού πηγαίου κώδικα.
> The following is a list of about 100 of the best OpenSource Applications, that actually help make Linux more usable for people. It is my hope that this list shows potential Linux users that there really is a large, effective, productive and usable range of free, OpenSource applications. For existing Linux users (like myself), I think this will provide a great resource in finding applications that may better suit your needs, or just for fun! Needless to say, this is just some of the thousands of applications available! I develop web sites, so this list tends to focus on applications which support that type of work.
> The majority of these applications can be installed by either apt-get or synaptic, however I’ve included the web site addresses of these applications so that you can obtain more information. I’ve tried many of these applications myself - and they are pretty good!
> This list took a long time to put together and I tried to keep it in alphabetical order for you. - You might want to bookmark this and come back later.
> Enjoy!
Καλό είναι και χρήσιμο, αλλά θα ήθελα και μία λίστα με το όνομα της 
εφαρμογής και το site του κατασκευαστή χωρίς το μπλα-μπλα που έχει...

Στα υπόψιν...

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