Μετάφραση Edubuntu cd wallet

Stavros Temertzidis bullgr at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 14:08:12 GMT 2008

Γεια σας παιδιά...

Μεταφράζω αυτή τη στιγμή το cd wallet του Edubuntu και κόλλησα
άσχημα σε ένα σημείο. Δίνω παρακάτω όλο το κείμενο:

Edubuntu is a complete operating system consisting of free and open source
software for education. A part of the award-winning Ubuntu project, Edubuntu
builds on the solid base of Ubuntu to create a system to support classroom
and laboratory environments in schools and other educational settings.
Principal goals of Edubuntu are centralised management of configuration,
users and processes, together with facilities for working collaboratively in
a classroom setting. Equally important is the gathering of the best
available free software and digital materials for education.
Edubuntu is easy to install, free of viruses, and designed for servers,
desktops and laptops. Edubuntu allows an educator to quickly set up a
computer lab or establish an online learning environment and then easily
administer that environment. Edubuntu is community developed, commercially
supported, and offers free updates for at least 18 months after release.

Βασικά κόλλησα στο σημείο:

Principal goals of Edubuntu are centralised management of configuration,
users and processes, together with facilities for working collaboratively in
a classroom setting.

Αλλά δεν θα στεναχωρηθώ εάν μεταφράσει κάποιος και τα υπόλοιπα. Θα του είμαι
αιώνια ευγνώμων :)
Όποια βοήθεια είναι ευπρόσδετη... ευχαριστώ.

20 GOTO 10
My blog: http://bullgr.wordpress.com
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