FL/OSS Tool Survey

Ioannis Koniaris ikoniari at csd.auth.gr
Wed Sep 5 17:37:27 BST 2007

Ακολουθεί η απάντηση του Andreas σχετικά με τα ερωτήματα που τέθηκαν.
Θα παρακαλούσα ακόμα μια φορά, όποιον είναι πρόθυμος να διαθέσει 5  
λεπτά του χρόνου του να ακολουθήσει τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο και να  
συμμετέχει στην έρευνα.

1. Who we are

The FLOSSCom project is an EU funded research project consisting of  
the following partner:
•    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Programming Languages &  
Software Engineering
Lab (SWENG), Greece
•    Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI), Portugal and consist of  
the following
•    The Open University (The OU), Institute of Educational Technology  
(IET), United
•    Thessaloniki Technology Park Management & Development Corporation  
S.A (TTP), Greece
•    UNU–MERIT – United Nations University, Maastricht Economic and  
social Research and
training centre on Innovation and Technology, The Netherlands
•    University of Paisley, School of Computing, ICT in Education  
Research group (ICTE),
United Kingdom

Within our approach of identifying open source principles that could  
help us to improve
(formal) education the FLOSSCom team also recently launched together  
with Ubuntu
Education the related “Learning the Open Source Way” project (see:

2. What we are doing

In a nutshell we believe that education can learn a lesson from open  
source. This is e.g.
the way projects / communities function, how they produce content, how  
they provide
support, or more in general how they help people learning.

Our objective is to identify open source principles that can help us  
to improve (formal)
education, e.g. how we learn in the classroom, or how we learn  
throughout our life, how
we can provide free learning materials to every one (which are up to date and

3. Who do you do it for and for what reason?

We do this to help universities, schools, other educational provider,  
policy maker, and
by the end teachers and learners to improve education. Some of the  
FLOSSCom partners also
will use the results to provide free and open education for all, like  
the Open University
with their OpenLearn project, a large scale $10 million project that  
makes educational
resources freely available (CC license) and aims at creating free  
learning communities
(http://openlearn.open.ac.uk), or the United Nations University that  
will share the
knowledge like e.g. with its colleagues at the UNESCO where it might  
help to improve
their free and open training platform (http://opentraining.unesco-ci.org).

4. What access will we have to the collected data or to the compiled results?

All data will be made freely available at the flosscom website, this  
includes the raw
data (without personal informations), compiled reports, or  
presentations. The flosscom
website and the related spaces at the Ubuntu wiki, launchpad, OU’s  
repository, or at slideshare already provide today a good repository of useful
information on this subject, all of them freely available.

Αρχικό μήνυμα από Ioannis Koniaris <ikoniari at csd.auth.gr>:

> Καλησπέρα,
> αρχικά ευχαριστώ για το ενδιαφέρον που δείξατε για την έρευνα αυτή.
> Θα πρέπει όμως να σας ενημερώσω ότι δεν είμαι υπεύθυνος για αυτό το
> πρόγραμμα, αλλά συμμετέχω ως σπουδαστής και απλά λειτούργησα ως
> διαμεσολαβητής προκειμένου το μήνυμα να φτάσει σε ανθρώπους στην Ελλάδα
> που ασχολούνται με διαφόρων ειδών έργα που αφορούν το Ελεύθερο και
> Ανοικτό Λογισμικό. Έτσι, αφού συμμετέχω στο έργο εξελληνισμού του
> Ubuntu, πήρα την απόφαση να ενημερώσω τα μέλη της λίστας.
> Παρόλα αυτά, προώθησα το μήνυμα σας στον Andreas Meiszner, υπεύθυνο της
> ιστοσελίδας και του όλου προγράμματος και πιστεύω ότι σύντομα θα έχω
> τις απαντήσεις που ζητήσατε.
> Να σας ενημερώσω επίσης ότι το έργο αυτό χρηματοδοτείται από την
> Ευρωπαική Ένωση (Πρόγραμμα Socrates, Minerva). Περισσότερα μπορείτε να
> διαβάσετε στους συνδέσμους:
> http://flosscom.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=62&Itemid=182
> http://flosscom.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=17&Itemid=35
> Αρχικό μήνυμα από Nick Demou <ndemou at enlogic.gr>:
>> Ioannis Koniaris wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I would like to pinpoint you that there is a survey on our FLOSS.com site:
>>> http://flosscom.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=50&Itemid=180
>>> [...]
>>> Thank you
>>> On behalf of the FLOSS.com team
>>> Ioannis
>> Dear Mr Koniaris,
>> we would be more than glad to help you with your survey but we do need
>> to spent some time on it. Still, time is our most valued good, so it is
>> important to spent it cautiously.
>> Having that in mind could you share with us some basic information
>> about FLOSS.com, the survey and the data that you will collect from us.
>> Things like:
>> - who are you?
>> - What do you do?
>> - Who do you do it for and for what reason?
>> - What access will we have to the collected data or to the compiled results?
>> With kind regards,
>> Nick Demou
>> -- 
>> Νίκος Δήμου / Nick Demou, enLogic
>> t: (+30)2107774517 m: 6948899980 fax: 2107752869

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