[Question #8779]: plug the Ethernet cable = freeze the Gnome startup...

Fernando Pazin question8779 at answers.launchpad.net
Tue Jun 26 02:44:54 BST 2007

Question #8779 on Ubuntu changed:

Description changed to:
Hi !
When I try to boot my Feisty at Presario V6000  with the Ethernet cable puggled and log in my user account, the gnome splash screen didn't appear...
I only see a white square at the top-left of the screen (like a window with no borders). 
The only solution is to turn off (restart X with CTRL+ALT+Backspace doesn't help because I will get this error again and again).

If the boot proccess occur with the ethernet cable unplugged, the GNOME
starts normally and the nm-applet prompts the dialog for the wifi
connection. I can cancel the prompt and plug the ethernet cable... no
problem here.

How can I debug this proccess (the gnome startup) to understand whats is going on?
Sorry my bad english and thanks!

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