<div dir="ltr">Hey guys,<div><br></div><div>Sorry about not being on the Hangout. I was feeling really depressed with things in my private life. I am climbing up the happy ladder, but I'm still not on performance-mode (as noticed on my work). </div>
<div><br></div><div>I'll be moving out this week, which wasn't really planned, so the website could roadmap could take a hit, but I am really trying to get my other work-deadlines done. The website will be finished as soon as possible, but please count on a 14-days setback.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Again I'm really sorry about this, I was looking forward to creating the website, and I still am, but things need to fall in place a little bit first, for me to be at my best.</div><div><br></div>
Again sorry,</div><div><br></div><div>And until soon I hope. I'll probably be attending the next Hangout, and talk to you guys for the first time. That is if my internet connection is up and running in my new place!</div>
<div><br></div><div>Greetings!<br clear="all"><div><div dir="ltr"><table width="100%" style="font-family:'Droid Sans',sans-serif"><tbody><tr><td width="60%" valign="top" style="font-family:'Droid Sans',sans-serif">
<h1>Niels Vermaut</h1><p>Wanna see something I did? <a href="http://nielsvermaut.eu/" style="text-decoration:none" target="_blank">Check out my Portfolio!</a></p></td><td width="40%" style="font-family:'Droid Sans',sans-serif;text-align:right">
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