<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Dear family,<br><br></div>It is a pleasure to be alive and write to you, yet again, and bring some good news that hopefully can draw a smile on your face :)<br><br></div>First of all, I missed you a lot. The more I spend with Ubuntu GNOME, the more I love it. I do hope you could give me a bit of time to refresh my rusty memory and be back to shape. There are 222 unread emails on my inbox :) there are lots of pending stuff. It has been a week or so so I hope I can follow up ASAP :)<br>
<br></div>Second of all, I'm glad to announce that your family member (me) became:<br><a href="http://amjjawad.net/gnome-foundation-membership/">http://amjjawad.net/gnome-foundation-membership/</a><br><br></div>:D<br>
<br></div>It was the motivation that made me end my urgent leave and roll up my sleeves again to join you all. I am very happy with this membership and I do hope that I will do more and more for GNOME and Ubuntu GNOME. I hope I deserve that membership and hope this will bring more attention to our community. Because, this membership brought some ideas in mind :D yes, I will take it easy, no worries ;) :P<br>
<br></div>Okay, have a wonderful day/evening everyone and see you soon!<br><br></div>Ali<br></div>