Ubuntu Desktop's GNOME Shell extensions survey ending soon

Paul Smith paul at mad-scientist.net
Mon May 22 18:54:17 UTC 2017

Some of those are slightly useful.  However, here are the couple of
shell extensions I always install and could not live without:

* Frippery Panel Favourites: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/4/panel-favorites/
* system-monitor: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/120/system-monitor/

At home I also installed an extension that puts the audio chooser into
the main system menu so I can easily switch back and forth between my
normal headphones and my mic'd headphones.  But, I'm at work and I
can't remember the name of that one.

I also have a CSS file that squashes the menu bars etc. to be as small
as possible instead of those horrible fat menus that GNOME's default
theme uses :-/.

With these changes I'm very happy with GNOME.

On Mon, 2017-05-22 at 13:56 -0400, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> The Ubuntu Desktop Team is running a short survey about some popular
> GNOME Shell extensions.
> My understanding is that the survey was intended to run for one week,
> so today is about the last day to complete the survey if you haven't
> already:
> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/05/ubuntu-desktop-gnome-extensions-survey-1710
> Thanks,
> Jeremy Bicha

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