weird output when restarting/shutting down

Marius Gedminas marius at
Mon May 8 09:43:27 UTC 2017

On Sat, May 06, 2017 at 11:06:45AM -0700, Charlie Luna wrote:
> hey gnome-sters! hehe, that's my petname for us ubuntu gnome users.
> got a weird issue going on. i changed wifi cards in my laptop a couple
> weeks ago and for some reason, i now get some disturbing output upon
> restart/shutdown but it's only when my wifi connection is being a
> problem.
> some of the ouput shows some failures of some kind but it goes by so
> fast that i can't make out much of it and i've got no idea of how to
> get a terminal output to post here or on launchpad. 

Run journalctl -b in a terminal to see all log messages.  The errors
will likely be there.

> i'm considering reinstalling ubuntu, the standard version, just for
> comparison reasons and perhaps sticking with it until the change back
> to the gnome desktop that's coming with 18.04.

You could boot a live session from a USB drive to test, instead of

Also, are there any actual problems other than some error messages
during shutdown?

Marius Gedminas
Remember, drive defensively! And of course, the best defense is a good offense!

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