18.04: Ubuntu GNOME --> Ubuntu ?

Julien Olivier julo42 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 22:15:36 UTC 2017


I personnally love the fact that Ubuntu GNOME is almost the upstream
GNOME, and not a custom version with lots of extensions and
modifications. I really fear that Canonical will not settle on upstream
GNOME, at all. So, in this case, we might still need Ubuntu GNOME.

By the way, that might even be bad news for Ubuntu GNOME because when
Canonical moved away from GNOME, they also stopped breaking GNOME, but
they might go back to their bad habits, and it might become very hard
to have a proper Ubuntu GNOME without their patches... I hope I'm wrong

Le mercredi 05 avril 2017 à 15:24 -0400, Paul Smith a écrit :
> So, does Mark Shuttleworth's latest announcement mean that as of Ubuntu
> 18.04 there won't be a need for Ubuntu GNOME anymore, and it will just
> be Ubuntu?
> Not suggesting anyone actually knows the answer to this, just posing
> the question out into the universe...
> https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/04/05/growing-ubuntu-for-cloud-and-iot-rather-than-phone-and-convergence/

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