NEW Slack Team for Ubuntu GNOME

Ali/amjjawad amjjawad at
Wed Mar 16 22:45:58 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I have just created:

If you wish to be invited, you need to send me an email ID so that I could
send the invite.

However, please DO NOT send me anything at the moment. I am not yet done. I
need to setup some channels and I need to create a google form so that
people can fill it and I can send the invitations.

I'll keep you updated once all that is ready ;)

Thank you!

This is different from the one that Ubuntu has. On Ubuntu's one, we have
only 1 channel but this one, we shall have a full and complete team and
we're the owners of that team with full access. It will be purely and
mainly for Ubuntu GNOME. You don't need to be there. Any
working email will do the needful.


PLEASE if you dislike Slack or against the idea, just don't react with this
email. Plain and simple.

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."

Best Regards,
Ali/amjjawad <>
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