
Tim darkxst at
Sun Feb 28 09:27:48 UTC 2016

On 28/02/16 20:06, Usama Akkad wrote:
> I asked a question: for now to see what is going on with Ubuntu Gnome we
> visit this link.
> no registration required, publicly visible and indexed by search engines.
> How communication in Slack would be compared to that?
Slack is more akin to IRC, it doesnt really have the functionality of a mailing list and would not replace that.
> On 28-02-2016 00:34, Tim wrote:
>> On 27/02/16 22:11, Usama Akkad wrote:
>>> Will slack allow more communications to be hidden from the public too?
>>> If so this is another thing that we should use try to avoid. 
>> How did you come to that conclusion? We are not trying to hide communications, more the opposite, to make it easier for new comers to catch up
>> on things.

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