Ubuntu Gnome 16.04 with Gnome Staging dorked suspend

Narcis Garcia informatica at actiu.net
Fri Apr 29 13:15:25 UTC 2016

Have you checked this also with simple "Ubuntu" and with Lubuntu? (you
can probe live CD/USB sessions, with U.Gnome too).

El 29/04/16 a les 14:55, Clemens Vermeulen ha escrit:
> Hi All,
> Three out of four Suspends result in a black screen and an inoperable
> computer requiring a power reset.
> Ubuntu Gnome 16.06 upgraded from 15.10
> Gnome staging (can't check with SysInfo, it drops dead when you select
> System).
> This is a critical error for me. Please assist.
> Thank you,
> Clemens

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