L2TP/IPSec in Ubuntu GNOME?

Patrik Bubák bubapa at protonmail.ch
Wed Sep 23 17:08:37 UTC 2015

I was wondering, since Ubuntu Unity has this in LTS and I can't see this feature in Vivid, can this be made a priority?

Many users shun Ubuntu's Unity for privacy concerns. Having all the necessary VPN protocols at disposal should be a priority imo.

Optionally, I couldn't find the relevant package to get this working and so have to stick to OpenVPN, which doesn't offer the highest speeds and stability. If it's in repos, which one is it?

[Learn about how to protect yourself on the internet](https://prism-break.org/en/)

[Why it is important to encrypt your communications](https://freedom.press/encryption-works)
[An easy how-to guide to PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)](https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/en/)

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