Someone Tries to Sell Ubuntu GNOME Linux OS on Craigslist for $30

Xen mailing-list at
Mon Jun 22 13:52:20 UTC 2015


Don't go through all this trouble? You have nothing better to do?

Are you seriously going to go after every single 'offender' in your eyes 
that sells 'free' software? Of course the ones doing it should be the 
ones making money. Not other people trying to make a buck out of other 
people's work. I understand that. The whole Softpedia article is a 
blowup. It's just funny. People get attracted to that story.

But it doesn't mean much, except that it inspired a kind of debate about 
how to make money on selling or converting or installing Ubuntu (Gnome), 
which I find interesting ;-).

Regards, and good luck.

Keith I Myers schreef op 22-6-2015 om 15:46:
> Hello All,
> I will be reaching out to this person this afternoon to try to get his 
> side of the story. We will all agree that the posting on CraigsList is 
> extremely vague and leaves A LOT of room for speculation and the 
> article on Softpedia covering the story was written in a way that it 
> could incite anger, lets not fall for it until we get both sides of 
> the story. A journalist should NEVER publish a one sided story without 
> at least making an attempt to reach out to the other party involved.  
> Lets not question this persons intelligence or resort to insults.
> If this person is actually charging users $30.00 to install Ubuntu 
> Gnome on their machine and make sure everything works, then this 
> person is doing nothing wrong and in many ways should be an 
> inspiration to the community as this person is helping to spread 
> Ubuntu Gnome to his local area. I personally would love to see such 
> grass-root businesses spring up all over the place to not only do the 
> install but also provide support. If this is the case, I will ask this 
> person to re-write the CraigsList posting to be much more clear and in 
> a way that it respects the Ubuntu and Gnome trademarks.
> However if this person is simply downloading the ISO and burning it to 
> a DVD/Flash Drive then I will try my best to educate him about the 
> ethical issues of selling "free software". I would ask that he 
> discontinue this and if it does continue then we will need to decide 
> our next steps.
> I will try to reach out to this person after my morning meetings and 
> report back to the community with what happens.
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 8:18 AM, Tim <darkxst at 
> <mailto:darkxst at>> wrote:
>     On 22/06/15 21:36, Andrés Muñiz Piniella wrote:
>     >
>     > El 22 de junio de 2015 10:35:58 GMT+01:00, Tim
>     <darkxst at <mailto:darkxst at>> escribió:
>     >> Why is everyone getting so worked up about this?
>     >
>     > Actually from reading  this
>     >
>     >
>     its even stated on that page, and I quote
>     "While Ubuntu will not charge licence fees for this distribution,
>     you might want to charge to print Ubuntu CDs, or create your own
>     customised
>     versions of Ubuntu which you sell, and should have the freedom to
>     do so."
>     Of course they have tightened up the trademark rules a bit since
>     that was written, however it should still apply to unmodified images.
>     >
>     > And listening to the interview here
>     >
>     I don't have time to listen to random interviews, but really I
>     don't see what all fuss is about. Softpedia are click-baiting and
>     hyping things
>     up. But what would I know, I'm only the co-founder and Technical
>     lead of Ubuntu GNOME....
>     >
>     >
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> Keith I Myers
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