Someone Tries to Sell Ubuntu GNOME Linux OS on Craigslist for $30

Andres a75576 at
Mon Jun 22 05:42:18 UTC 2015

El Mon, 22-06-2015 a las 10:35 +0530, Satyajit Sahoo escribió:
> But isn't it completely legal?

Not only legal as far as I know ethical according to the fsf as  Free
software is Free as in freedom and not price (not free beer).

This person could actually be doing a public service? What if your
download speeds are too low or too expensive?

It is more likely that someone is trying to make a quick buck. Hopefully
not someone distributing a dodgy copy with malware. Then again, when was
the last time normal people do the checksums? 

Some years ago someone was  selling CDs of ubuntu in amazon or ebay.
Since canonical stopped providing CDs they were actually providing a

And wow. Softpedia looks like a horrible website.


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