Someone Tries to Sell Ubuntu GNOME Linux OS on Craigslist for $30

Ali/amjjawad amjjawad at
Mon Jun 22 03:47:33 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

I found this tweet on Twitter:

The article:

Here is the ad:

When you click on "Reply" and tell the website that you're not a
bot/machine, you'll get the number of the person who published that ad 29
days ago!

Could someone who lives in USA to contact that person and understand what
is going on?!

As a person who respects privacy, I am not going to publish his/her number
here on a public mailing list.

I'll be waiting for someone's reply to this :)

Thank you!

Can you give him/her a call, please?

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."

Best Regards,
Ali/amjjawad <>

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