[Ubuntugnome-artwork] [Artwork] Ubuntu GNOME - the new logo by Patrik Bubak

Charlie Moss charlie at charliemoss.com
Sat Jul 11 10:46:23 UTC 2015

I fully understand why the 'foot' should not be used.

I'm not clear if the new log design has been concluded, so here is my
design effort.  I heard recently that a Google study showed that people
relate more to logos that resemble faces. Also, I hope you can see the U &
G in the design.  Maybe the angle needs adjusting and/or the circle sizes.

[image: Inline images 1]



On 11 July 2015 at 10:36, Xen <list at xenhideout.nl> wrote:

> Perhaps the most obvious choice is Gnome logo + Ubuntu colours.
> You cannot use the Ubuntu roundel without transforming the entire logo
> into a combination, which Ubuntu does not allow. But if Gnome does not
> allow standalone use of the Gnome logo, yeah..
> Personally I feel this new roundel is devoid of significance (the form).
> The colours are not Ubuntu and the logo is not Gnome. I like the colour but
> the logo is very clinical, it might be the logo of some medical technology
> supplier. I'm reminded of disinfection ;-).
> Well good luck with it. I just feel Gnome is 90% of the identity of Ubuntu
> Gnome, there are not many distributions that focus on a single desktop
> exclusively, so Ubuntu is like the context (the environment/frame) while
> Gnome is the essence (or interior). Another logo for "gnome" is a 'thumb'
> or even a 'hat', a 'pipe', a 'toadstool', a 'tree' as long as it's
> something organic or natural. Ubuntu Gnome - lots of little footprints
> together ;-).
> Anyway, good luck with it.
> Quoting Satyajit Sahoo <satyajit.happy at gmail.com>:
>  In a standalone logo, when you show a GNOME footprint, it basically
>> screams
>> GNOME, and the identity of Ubuntu GNOME is lost.
>> Satyajit Sahoo
>> UX Designer
>> Behance Profile <https://www.behance.net/satyajitha28c7>
>> We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? ? The Doctor,
>> Season 5, Episode 13.
>> On 11 July 2015 at 12:24, Charlie_UK . <charlie at charliemoss.com> wrote:
>>  If the symbol will never appear without the text, then what you say is
>>> true.  However, if the symbol part will also be *standalone*, which I
>>> would prefer then the footprint is very important.
>>> I'm new to the group, so have no knowledge of previous discussions. All I
>>> can say, from one user's perspective, is that the present logo is
>>> excellent. The footprint says 'gnome' and the circle says 'ubuntu'. I'm
>>> even planning of making myself a t-shirt with just the logo. Obviously,
>>> this just one person's subjective opinion.
>>> Regards,
>>> *Charlie*
>>> On 11 July 2015 at 07:35, Satyajit Sahoo <satyajit.happy at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>  The font used is in GNOME's, the colors are GNOME-ish, and the name
>>>> itself has "GNOME". So there is already enough connections to GNOME, I
>>>> think.
>>>> Satyajit Sahoo
>>>> UX Designer
>>>> Behance Profile <https://www.behance.net/satyajitha28c7>
>>>> We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? ? The
>>>> Doctor,
>>>> Season 5, Episode 13.
>>>> On 11 July 2015 at 11:58, Charlie_UK . <charlie at charliemoss.com> wrote:
>>>>  Not my cup of tea. IMHO, without some connection to the Gnome
>>>>> footprint,
>>>>> it's meaningless.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> *Charlie*
>>>>> On 11 July 2015 at 06:42, Andrés Muñiz Piniella <
>>>>> a75576 at alumni.tecnun.es
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> >> Gentlemen,
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> And ladies!
>>>>>> >> of course, to hear your thoughts and comments.
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >> More on the project: http://on.be.net/1J8ezFh
>>>>>> >> See it in action: http://on.be.net/1FERsjc
>>>>>> >>
>>>>>> Looks amazing!
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Richmond Makerlabs
>>>>>> Ham United Group
>>>>>> --
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