Details app bug(lists 16.04 on 15.10)?

Bruce Pieterse dev at
Fri Dec 18 07:31:10 UTC 2015

On 18/12/2015 00:19, Ty Young wrote:
> Hello all,
> As the title says, the details app says that my Ubuntu Gnome version is
> 16.04, while lsb_release -a says that the version is 15.10. Also all of
> my software sources are still "Wily".
> Is this something i should be worried about or is it just a bug with the
> details app?

No not at all. lsb_release -a is correct. I suspect you have the staging 
ppa's installed, which is essentially packages to be shipped in the next 
version of Ubuntu GNOME, in this case 16.04.

> Thanks.

All the best,


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