Google Codein

Patrik Bubák bubapa at
Tue Dec 15 10:49:29 UTC 2015

From the artwork perspective, perhaps if there's anyone with an aesthetic feel, a few nice, minimalistic wallpapers would do, something that we could include in Xenial.

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Nothing ruins creativity like too many voices weighing in. We call it the Ice Cream Principle. Tell 10 people to go get ice cream with one condition: they all have to agree on one flavour. That flavour is going to be chocolate or vanilla every time. Groups of people don't agree on what's cool or interesting, they agree on what's easy to agree on.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Google Codein
Local Time: December 15 2015 6:54 am
UTC Time: December 15 2015 5:54 am
From: darkxst at
To: ubuntu-gnome at

So a week in and a lot of students have installed and enjoyed Ubuntu GNOME.

I have a few students begging me for non-technical Ubuntu GNOME tasks, anyone have any ideas? Stuff that would actually be useful to us, is
best. Documentation, Artwork, Design what not, just about anything apart from translations is fine. Could still use extra mentors if anyone can
help out!

As an example I set a task to cleanup the download wiki page (This is not quite complete just yet) but see

Are there other pages that need attention?


On 08/12/15 19:24, Tim wrote:
> On 08/12/15 19:09, Ali/amjjawad wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 2:42 PM, Tim <darkxst at <mailto:darkxst at>> wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Hi all,
>> So Google Code In started this morning, and I still looking for more bugs that can list as tasks.
>> If you can think of any bugs that you think might be suitable please send them through, I guess roughly the requirements would be:
>> - Easily reproducible
>> - No massive feature requests
>> - Current bugs in Xenial, although things already fixed that just need SRU to trusty/wily would be ok also
>> - Probably best to avoid the scary platform bugs in things like ubiquity and suspend issues ;)
>> - I'm hestitant to include any crashes in this, since they can be hard to track down, but if there are high impact crasher bugs, ill take
>> a look
>> at the traces and possibly list them.
>> If there are any bugs, please send them my way or Tim's - not sure who else from Ubuntu GNOME are mentors?!
> None so far, but if any active team members want to help out I can get them added. Keep in mind its not meant to be intensive mentoring, more
> just add some tasks, answer the odd question and review their final submission. That last bit is really all you are on the hook for and its
> expected to be done with 36-48hrs after the student has completed the task!
> So far in the first 12 hours, documention and QA seem to be the most popular tasks snapped up by users, ive been adding a few development tasks,
> there is no reason why each sub-team couldnt find 2-3 (or more tasks to add). If you find you get some particularly enthusiatic participant,
> then you can add more tasks on demand as they progress!
> Tim
>> Thanks
>> Tim
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>> Best Regards,
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