Wallpaper Submission for 15.10 Release
Alfredo Hernández
aldomann.designs at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 01:36:40 UTC 2015
Thanks for your email, Noah. As Ali said, we haven't started yet the
community wallpapers competition. I'll make sure you post the wallpaper
where it belongs to when time comes. In case I forgot to let you know
personally, you can always check our social media sites to be aware when
the contest begins.
Thanks again for your contribution.
On 2 Aug 2015 8:53 pm, "Ali/amjjawad" <amjjawad at gnome.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 3, 2015 at 9:23 AM, Noah Klingman <euphoria42 at gmx.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
> Hello Noah,
> Thank you for your email :)
>> it may be a bit early for this since I know that the scheduled release
>> date for 15.10 is in October and wallpapers aren't exactly the most
>> important thing, but I figured It can't hurt.
> No one is hurt with your email, at least not me :)
> I'd like to thank you for taking the time and forwarding this to us. Very
> nice picture and I wish I could be there now :D
>> I have been enjoying using Ubuntu GNOME
> Ah, tell me about it. I enjoy contributing to it more than using it :D not
> sure how but this is how I feel hehe.
>> and I want to contribute the way I feel I can best, with art.
> Interesting. I am always seeking for 'new' blood/contributors to this
> project ;)
> If you're really interested to gain more experience and learn new skills,
> please do take the time to read:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/GettingInvolved
> I have written more than 90% of the wiki pages of Ubuntu GNOME so if you
> need any help with any page, please let us/me know :)
> That page will give you a better idea of what we have and what you could
> offer. You can contribute to any area of 'your' choice.
>> That said, attached is an image i took this year on vacation to Ohio
>> right on Lake Erie. I've already cropped it to the appropriate size
>> reccomended on the wiki (2560 x 1600). Hope you enjoy it!
> While my artwork skills are very limited, I can share my opinion about
> that if it is okay with the artwork team ;)
> Let's say, we have sub-teams here. Each has its own task(s) to do. We
> don't interfere unless we must/have to. That said, I'll let Alfredo and his
> team to have their say about it. However, if it is up to me, I'd ask you to
> wait a bit until our artwork team finish their highest priority for now
> (our new logo and new website) and perhaps then announce the start of the
> community wallpaper competition (which we haven't had last cycle) so that
> everyone who is interested can submit his/her suggested community wallpaper.
> This is an example of what we have had before:
> https://ubuntugnome.org/results-community-wallpaper-contest/
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> Once more, thank you so much :)
> --
> Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
> Best Regards,
> Ali/amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
> *http://kibo.computer <http://kibo.computer>* - http://torios.net - Ubuntu
> GNOME <http://ubuntugnome.org/>
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