Wiki translation

Buntugnomeknilch linuxgnomebuntuknilch at
Sun Nov 30 09:47:27 UTC 2014

Am Sonntag, den 30.11.2014, 11:40 +0200 schrieb Efstathios Iosifidis:


Wow, great, many thanks for your work. This will help other usern, I'm
sure ... *thumbs up*

> Hello my friends,
> I'm sure that there are a lot of people here who receive this list and
> they want to help Ubuntu GNOME but they don't know how, since they're
> just end users.
> A very easy step for you is to help translate our wiki pages (not
> enough work to do) and then promote it to Ubuntu local communities and
> LUGs in your country, so more people join, and who knows, maybe they
> can do more than promote, engage, translate, documentation.
> I wrote a short tutorial (basic steps) and of course the list of the
> page to be translated
> Believe me it's doable. I started myself the basic wiki pages and
> announced it on local ubuntu community (forum, facebook group, google
> plus community, mailing list). Elias joined and we had it ready by the
> end of the week I started translating.
> If you have any question, just shoot. If there's something that you
> don't know how to edit, let us know, someone will know and if you ask
> nicely, we might do it for you.
> Have a lot of phun,
> Stathis
> -- 
> Great leaders don't tell you what to do...They show you how it's done.
> Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts...absolutely.

Hier werkelt:
UbuntuGNOME 14.04. & GNOME-Shell 3.12

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