Help! Multi-display broken with latest updates

Paul Smith paul at
Tue May 27 14:21:41 UTC 2014

Hi all; I had Ubuntu GNOME 14.04 working with my dual-monitor display
setup for the last few weeks.  This morning I updated to the latest
package versions which required a reboot; after my reboot my displays
are switched (the one that is physically on the left and vice versa).

Well, that's annoying that it lost my settings on reboot, sez me, but I
popped up the Display settings applet to fix it.

But no joy!  Both my monitors are displayed there, and one is selected.
But, I cannot select the other one (no matter how I click on it nothing
happens and it is not selected), and I cannot move either of them (no
matter how I drag either of them nothing happens).

FYI, I have an Intel HD Graphics 4000 card with both DVI and HDMI
output.  The monitor I want on the right is the HDMI monitor and the one
on the left is the DVI monitor.

Anyone have any ideas?  This is not workable, at all.

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