UOS 14.06 Panel Idea

Svetlana Belkin belkinsa at ubuntusense.com
Sat Jun 7 12:28:50 UTC 2014

On 06/07/2014 07:25 AM, Ali/amjjawad wrote:
>         If it turns out to be only one person panel, I can change the
>         meeting to
>         a one (or two person) presentation like what phillw and ianorlin are
>         doing:
>         http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22284/introduction-to-lubuntu/
>     I'm willing to attend the community track (I will also attend the
>     user track - Nicholas, Val and Lyz) but not yet sure who else from
>     Ubuntu GNOME Team is willing to attend? none has replied this email
>     yet except me.

You are indeed the only out of all of the people that I e-mailed via the
lists.  I changed it to presentation and you can use a screengrab
program via Hangouts to show a presentation from LibreOffice.  Or what
you need to do.

>     Should I tell you the time here? or should I register a
>     track/session? please advise!
> From 2pm GMT time - 7pm GMT time - I'm okay with any time during this
> period :)

Done: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1406/meeting/22257/ubuntu-gnome-panel/

and it says,

Introduction to Ubuntu GNOME
2014-06-12 15:00..15:55 in Community 1"
Svetlana Belkin A.K.A: belkinsa
User Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa

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