Upgrading to 3.10 (PPA) with installed themes.

Christian Dysthe cdysthe at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 15:42:17 UTC 2014


I'm running Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 on several laptops. On a couple I would
like to run Gnome 3.10 upgraded with the PPA. I run the Moka icon, gtk
and gnome-shell theme on all of the machines (very nice flat modern
themes). I read in another thread that gnome-shell themes tend to mess
up upgrades and I did have some color issues on the one machine I did
upgrade already (especially in Evolution). So I wonder if that could be
because I had the Moka stuff installed? If so, would it be a good idea
to purge the Moka PPAs before I do the 3.10 upgrade?

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