[Attention] Ubuntu GNOME QA Team
amjjawad at gnome.org
Tue Dec 16 14:23:41 UTC 2014
Hi everyone,
I'm going to send this 'before' starting any blueprints for 15.04 cycle.
This is part of a plan [1] I have in mind for Ubuntu GNOME as a whole but
let's start from one of the most important parts, that is QA :)
Long story short, the model of one-man-task is simply (at least IMHO) a key
to failure while the model of community and team-work is simply (again, at
least IMHO) a key to success.
*ALL* of us are *smarter* than anyone of us.
That said, starting from the QA team of Ubuntu GNOME, I'd like to propose
Instead of one-man take the burden of this team on his shoulder, why not
more are involved (phase 1)? and why not the whole team is involved (phase
Simply, this is not Ali-QA-UbuntuGNOME nor Tim-QA-UbuntuGNOME ... there
'must' be a 'team' and there must be a 'community' efforts.
What does that mean?
*It means, QA team should have MORE than just one driver. One driver is not
enough at all. *
There is this team on Launchpad:
With 29 members:
I see no logical reason why there is only one man handling most if not all
the main tasks within this team? it means there is something wrong ...
So, either we work as a team or we delete that team and there is absolutely
no need to it.
If the choice is mine, I'd step in and share the burden and move forward
with 'better' quality. Having everything between one-man-hands is just not
right. I could write a long list of reasons but I'm 100% sure I don't
really have to as I'm 100% sure you all can understand and figure out what
I'm trying to explain here.
Reply to this email if you're interested.
More and further information can be discussed later with only interested
and serious people.
This is not taking over the QA Team, this is an invite to share the burden
and drive this team as a community/team.
Good night!
[1] - http://amjjawad.net/my-ultimate-goal/
Best Regards,
Ali/amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
*Remember: *"All of us are smarter than any one of us."
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