[Testing] Ubuntu Saucy + GNOME 3.10 + fglrx
Fran Dieguez
fran.dieguez at mabishu.com
Sat Sep 28 23:13:07 UTC 2013
On dom 29 sep 2013 00:52:47 CEST, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 7:22 PM, Fran Dieguez
> <fran.dieguez at mabishu.com <mailto:fran.dieguez at mabishu.com>> wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone have successfully tested the latest GNOME 3.10 in
> Ubuntu Saucy with the closed-source AMD drivers.
> Hi,
> Too bad, I have more than one machine but none with AMD Hardware!
> I'm testing with those available in Ubuntu repositories. But when
> I reboot my computer, GDM halts (showing a blank screen) and
> doesn't show anything.
> Regards
> Just curious, what about Ubuntu GNOME 13.10 Beta 2 on that machine?
> any specific issue?
> Thank you!
> --
> Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
> Best Regards,
> amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
> Areas of Involvement <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/AreasOfInvolvement>
> My Projects <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/Projects>
I was planning to write a review about my machine (Macbook Pro 8,2:
i7-2635QM, Radeon HD 6400M, 8 Gb RAM, 256 SSD) that I use as my work
machine, but over the days I have solved some minor bugs and I could
share my main problems/issues with all of you.
Overall works pretty well but the are some errors that I was able to
solve and others that I are very annoying. I hope that they will be
solved in the coming days/week.
- SOLVED - System status area shows that I'm not connected to any
network even when I'm already connected. With the enormous help of Tim,
we are testing with an upgraded version of network manager from
ppa:darkxst/gnome39 that at some point will land in the staging ppa,
and now I have not problems with that.
- Brightness keyboard keys: With my brightness keyboard keys I can't
change the screen brightness. That's weird because in previous versions
they've been working. I can only change the brightness setting from the
system status area, from g-c-c display panel or by issuing at the
terminal "echo 82311 | sudo tee
/sys/class/backlight/gmux_backlight/brightness". This is quite annoying
if you read the next problem.
- If I unplug my laptop from the power the main screen reduces
brightness to 0. So I can't see anything and I can't change the
brightness with the keyboard (as you can read above). If I connect my
laptop to the power supply the screen gets the previous brightness
- I'm unable to install the fglrx privative driver and get the full
performance and enhanced power management of my graphic card. I don't
mind using the open source driver but when I want to play a game on
Steam there is a huge drain of graphical performance.
Having said that, I can do my daily work with my computer without any
problem and I'm able to enjoy the latest version of Ubuntu and GNOME at
the same time.
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