Time for LTS (was: Re: [Discussion/Opinion] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS To Stay On GTK/GNOME 3.8?)

Erkin Alp Güney erkinalp9035 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 4 19:39:15 UTC 2013

> While nothing is etched in stone yet for 14.04 the first point release
> is typically in August of the same year, so we'd see a bug-fix iso
> (14.04.1) probably in August of 2014.
> Beyond that things do indeed get just a bit dicey since Ubuntu started
> the "hardware enablement stack" changes in Precise ........... I'm not
> sure if a "flavor" can opt-out of those builds or not???
> I personally still use 12.04.1 images for reinstalls on the 4 dozen
> boxes I maintain because the whole process gets convoluted:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack
> OTOH since Canonical dropped interim release support to 9 months I have
> shifted more of my testing efforts toward upgrade and "upgrade (image)"
> testing to try and ensure that upgrades can go fairly smooth, but most
> typical end users want a stable release to last much longer than 9 months!
> Could we do a three year LTS like Xubuntu? I think Lubuntu plans on
> doing that in 14.04.
> Could we be an LTS if we opted out of the hardware enablement stack
> nonsense?
> I think we will even not get enough manpower for three year LTS, whereas
we could see a 12-to-18-month LTS for 14.04. And what about GNOME3-next PPA
if we stay at 3.8 in 14.04 T?
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