Some testing feedback with daily 2013-09-30 image

Romuald TISSERAND rtisserand at
Wed Oct 2 07:18:05 UTC 2013

I was able to test the live daily of the 2013-09-30 from a USB key.
Unfortunately, as my internel line is down, I can't raise bug with apport.
However, I can do it manually (so without many technical details) but I
don't know if this is acceptable, let me know.

First topic: Booting in UEFI mode
-> Same problem as some weeks ago, there is a bad screen reshesh frequency
which makes the live CD unsable on Intel Graphics HD4000 (Ivy Bridge).

Second topic: Hardware keys
-> I do confirm all hardware keys work with this daily image (Power switch,
screen backlight, sound and keyboard backlight). All key actions display
the correct overlay widget on the screen as well. So this confirms there is
broken in the Gnome Next PPA. If I find the time, I'll do some testing by
purging the Next ppa from my system and check my assumption.

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