[HOWTO] Find Out What Ubuntu GNOME Team is Actually Doing

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Sun Dec 29 20:16:37 UTC 2013

Dear Ubuntu GNOME Community,

For a while, I have personally been asked several time, almost the same
Q/Qs and indirectly, I have seen the same Qs yet again on our Social Media
Channels. I do NOT blame the one who is asking, I also can't blame myself
because I am really really super busy and the burn out is so close. And, of
course, I can NOT blame anyone whatsoever.

That does not matter anymore. Let's move forward.

*Kindly be informed*
Starting from this very moment - in fact, this has been started months ago
but it seems the community didn't really understand how to find out what is
going on with the team - if you have any Q (regarding the subject of this
email) in mind, kindly have a read at:


Before you ask :)

It is NOT that we don't like or hate Qs, NOT AT ALL. But, why to waste your
time while your answers might be sitting over there waiting for you to read
them? :D

Just like any FOSS (Free Open Source Software) Project/Community, we don't
have any hidden agenda. Everything is PUBLIC and that is indeed the main
reason why I have created the Brainstorming Team on Launchpad.

So, as a summary:
If you really interested to know each and everything related to Ubuntu
GNOME Development or anything about the team/project from A-Z, simply,
click here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntugnome-brainstorming

If you couldn't find, have a look at the Wiki Pages:

There are 3 super active contributors/team members who are putting sweat,
tears and blood to make this area super clear, very informative and
up-to-date :) and YES, we do need extra help on the Wiki as well, just like
any other area ... simply because, we are a young project yet very fast
growing - http://ubuntugnome.org/ubuntu-gnome-team-is-growing/

If you couldn't find your answers neither on the blueprints nor the Wiki
Area, please, just ask :)

Why am I sending this email?
1- To Create a Healthy Environment where everything 'must' work as smooth
as possible and as effective as possible.
2- To Save Everyone's Time.
3- To KISS (Keep It Simple and Short) as much as possible.

I hope this is clear.

Feel free to reply this email with your suggestions if you have any :)

Thank you!

I am doing my very best to keep the blueprints updated and as clear as
possible. This is what I enjoy to do so I won't blame anyone if I burned
out :P hehe

P.S. 2

@Ubuntu GNOME Wiki Team
Should we add this to our Wiki Area?

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
Areas of Involvement <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/AreasOfInvolvement>
My Projects <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/Projects>
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