[Artwork] Ubiquity Slideshow discussion.

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 17:32:00 UTC 2013

On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Alfredo Hernández <
aldomann.designs at gmail.com> wrote:

> You might have wanted to launch it from the Terminal. I should have
> explained better. Assuming you downloaded it from the Git repository, it
> should be located at /home/user_name/ubuntu-gnome-ubiquity
> What you have to do is the following (from the Terminal):
>    1. Type cd /home/user_name/ubuntu-gnome-ubiquity in order to enter the
>    directory.
>    2. Type ./test-slideshow.sh
> I personally find launching it from Nautilus/Nemo/etc. much easier
> because it launched a GUI window.
> Best regards,
> Alfredo.
>  Oh, I don't have anything on my Home, just double checked. I forgot to
mention that I am testing on Virtual Machine. Installation done

git clone git://github.com/aldomann/ubuntu-gnome-ubiquity.git

But, nothing is running?!

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