[Artwork] Ubiquity Slideshow discussion.

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Wed Aug 21 17:16:18 UTC 2013

On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 9:04 PM, Alfredo Hernández <
aldomann.designs at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ok, now that I've worked a bit on the code and the artwork, this is how it
> actually looks (a*ll the pictures below are actual code)*:
> Iteration 1:
>    - http://cl.ly/image/0g3R2N38022y
>    - http://cl.ly/image/0S2y2T1c0P0u
>    - http://cl.ly/image/170H1t330X3L
> Iteration 2:
>    - http://cl.ly/image/2j1o2D2l3i0w
>    - http://cl.ly/image/1v3T1l2J1B44
>    - http://cl.ly/image/1X1k3R03003N
> Now, the question is, *which iteration looks better?*
> On one hand, the first one is really simple and does not take any attetion
> from the important stuff: the slides theirselves.
> On the other hand, the second one uses our logo colour, which is very
> nice, but it might be distractive (just speculating).
> *I like both. What do you think, mates?*
> *
> *
> PS. Sorry about the image quality, I just wanted to transmit the idea.
> PSS. Keep in mind that in the screenshots I'm using Faience as the GTK+
> theme; Adwaita shall be used and it fits better the blue sections.


As always, great job :)

I would definitely vote for the 2nd group with the same icons we are using
on our Wiki but:

   1. is there anyway the text could be more visible? maybe different color
   for the wallpaper of the slide or bigger font or more white?
   2. is it possible to show ONLY the slide show without showing the
   Desktop Background?

That is all for now :)

Yes, I totally understand this is just a test to show the idea ;)
*Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
*Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad> - StartUbuntu
 - Linux Brainstorming <https://www.facebook.com/groups/352004991569676/> -
Lubuntu <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu> - Ubuntu
Xubuntu <http://xubuntu.org/> - Peppermint <http://peppermintos.com/about/>
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