Ubuntu GNOME 13.04

Julien Olivier julo42 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 26 20:26:45 UTC 2013


actually, to get a full GNOME desktop, you should install
ubuntu-gnome-desktop and ubuntu-gnome-default-settings, if I'm not

Le vendredi 26 avril 2013 à 16:23 -0400, Chuck Peters a écrit :
> Congratulations!
> I thought I would find a gnome-desktop meta package, but the closest
> thing to it is gnome-desktop-environment and it is a transitional
> package with gnome as a dependency.  Should I file a bug report and
> suggest a gnome-desktop package?
> I switched my father to Kubuntu 12.04 a awhile ago.  He preferred the
> simpler interface of Gnome, but it had some issues and he didn't like
> Unity.  Now it looks like it is time for him to try out Gnome again.
> Thanks,
> Chuck

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