Nautilus shortcuts

Dominik Wujastyk wujastyk at
Wed Apr 10 09:59:34 UTC 2013

​ear all,

   1. What is the shortcut key​ ​for the cog icon?  I need to access the
   cog menu items without lifting my hands from the keyboard. ​

   I​ know about using "gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface
   can-change-accels true" to customize menu items.  But how do I set up a
   shortcut to get the cog menu itself?

   2. Similarly, I want to be able to set up shortcuts for some of the
   items on the Panel Files menu.  For these items, the "can-change-accels"
   doesn't work at all.

   3. I've read all the online help I can find, but don't seem able to find
   the answers to the above questions.  The Nautilus User guide that's meant
   to be here:
   is missing.

Thanks for any guidance,
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