Aditional packages

Jeremy Bicha jbicha at
Sun Apr 7 19:15:56 UTC 2013

On 5 April 2013 01:57, Tim <darkxst at> wrote:
> On 05/04/13 14:18, Everaldo Canuto wrote:
> * p7zip - 373 kB - It is so popular now and after install it we have this
> compression format (and also others) available on Nautilus (compress,
> decompress). I think that could be nice to have it.
> probably doesn't hurt to include this, however I don't see it used that much
> in the linux world.

Debian has file-roller recommend unar (which I believe supports rar
and 7zip) but Ubuntu only suggests it since it's not in main and pulls
in the gnustep base.

I'm hesitant to be the only Ubuntu flavor to include p7zip and the
7zip format doesn't seem very popular.

> * Gimp - 19,5 MB - Well, it is not small but is really useful and it was
> included by default on old versions of Ubuntu, now that we don't have the CD
> size limitation could be nice to have it again.
> I think Gimp is quirky enough that people who want it, will just go ahead
> and install it. I don't think we want to bloat out the size of the image,
> just because we now have a larger size limit.

If I had to summarize what I believe the GNOME3 Desktop is, I would
say "usability through simplicity." Gimp just doesn't fit in to that
as an app that would be important enough to install by default.
Shotwell is what we include for the typical use case of editing


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