Seriously folks

George Farris farrisga at
Fri Apr 5 22:47:06 UTC 2013

On Fri, 2013-04-05 at 18:27 -0400, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> On 5 April 2013 18:13, George Farris <farrisga at> wrote:

> > I recently had one of the GNOME project team ask me why I would want to
> > allow an administrator of the machine to add groups to a user.
> > Seriously, a major feature of the operating system and he could figure
> > that out, sad.
> I agree with GNOME. I think for most users of most computers, a simple
> two-level system of User or Admin makes the most sense. Sysadmins that
> need more fine-grained control can use the appropriate command line
> tools or try gnome-system-tools if he needs a GUI.
> Thanks,
> Jeremy

Now this is exactly what I don't understand.  For the last 15 years the
net has been full articles of...wait for it.."Oh yeah Linux is too hard
cause you have to know the command line".

We spent years building GUI tools trying to dispel that.

Oh and "Seriously" was part of the theme, thus the subject line.
Have a nice weekend.


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