desinstallation pilotes nvidia
emmanuel bouret
emmanuelbouret at
Jeu 18 Nov 13:37:45 UTC 2010
voila steve,
je crois que c'est la bonne procedure?
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
[sudo] password for emmanuel:
Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring
--secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name
/etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --primary-keyring
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver --recv
gpg: requête de la clé AF1CDFA9 du serveur hkp
gpg: clé AF1CDFA9: clé publique « Launchpad PPA for Ubuntu-X » importée
gpg: aucune clé de confiance ultime n'a été trouvée
gpg: Quantité totale traitée: 1
gpg: importée: 1 (RSA: 1)
merci encore.... et.........
....bonne..... apres midi ..:-)
Le 18/11/10 12:48, Steve Nadeau a écrit :
> Bonjour Emmanuel!
> en fait, si tu as déjà le PPA dans tes sources, tu devrais avoir la
> dernière version, sinon il semble que dans la version actuelle de
> nvidia dans maverick, la carte n'est pas encore supportée, donc il
> serait préférable d'ajouter le PPA et ça se fera automatiquement lors
> de la mise à jour.
> D'ici à ce que la version de base soit à jour, il serait donc
> préférable pour toi de mettre le PPA dans tes sources.
> bonne journée!
> Steve (maintenant réveillé!)
> 2010/11/18 emmanuel bouret <emmanuelbouret at
> <mailto:emmanuelbouret at>>
> Le 18/11/10 08:06, Steve Nadeau a écrit :
>> Bonsoir!
>> je ne vois pas pourquoi désinstaller nvidia si la nouvelle carte
>> sera une nvidia...
>> au besoin, le système avisera du besoin de changer de pilote
>> propriétaire automatiquement...
>> bonne nuit!
>> Steve
> je lis que pour la geforce GTS450 la version serait
> differente.?...
> *Version: *260.19.12-0ubuntu1~xup2 2010-10-23 12:21:40 UTC
> nvidia-graphics-drivers (260.19.12-0ubuntu1~xup2) maverick; urgency=low
> .
> * Repackaged to stay in line with current Maverick packaging scripts.
> * Added support for the following GPUs:
> GeForce GTS 450
> GeForce GTX 460M
> GeForce GT 415M
> GeForce GT 425M
> GeForce GT 420M
> GeForce GT 435M
> Quadro 2000
> Quadro 600
> * Fixed the CustomEDID X configuration option so that it can handle EDID files
> from Linux procfs; e.g., /proc/acpi/video/IGPU/LCD0/EDID.
> * Fixed a bug in VDPAU that could cause a "display preemption" when toggling
> MPlayer to full-screen the first time.
> Added OpenGL 4.1 support for Quadro Fermi, GeForce GTX 4xx, and later GPUs.
> * Enhanced VDPAU to fully support Xinerama.
> * Fixed a bug in the X driver that prevented operation of Xinerama when using
> multiple NVIDIA GPUs from different major hardware generations
> on X with ABI 4 or greater.
> * Fixed a bug in the OpenGL driver's Xinerama support.
> * Rendering should have ocurred to all physical X screens driven by an NVIDIA GPU
> compatible with the NVIDIA GPU driving physical X screen 0. However, if some
> physical X screen did not satisfy that requirement, then not only would that
> physical X screen not be rendered to (as expected), but also all physical X
> screens with a higher number would not be rendered to (which was unexpected).
> * Enhanced the VDPAU overlay-based presentation queue to allow it to be used
> when SLI is active, and in some cases when the X composite extension is
> enabled. See the README for further details.
> * Added support for configuring individual displays as any eye in passive stereo
> mode "4" when using TwinView or SLI Mosaic through extensions to the MetaMode syntax.
> * Added ColorSpace and ColorRange features for HDMI. These give the ability to
> output YUV over HDMI and select full/reduced color range on RGB over HDMI.
> ColorSpace and ColorRange are X Configuration options and can be changed
> dynamically through nvidia-settings.
> emmanuel
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