Installation de gDesklet

Tonio brankgnol at
Sam 27 Nov 23:51:52 UTC 2004

Sebastien Bacher a écrit :

>Donc ca marche. Les warnings c'est normal, et "gdesklets" n'affiche
>rien, c'est uniquement un serveur à laisser tourner. Après il faut
>rajouter des composants graphiques (Displays) qui sont
>dans /usr/share/gdesklets/Display en cliquant dessus dans nautilus (ou
>"gdesklet .display" en ligne de command)
Arf, ben j'aurais appris un truc! ;) Merci :)

J'ai donc essayé de lancer des displays une fois le serveur lancé, ne 
marche toujours pas, voici la sortie:
tonio at ubuntu:~ $ gdesklets
gDesklets 0.26.2
Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 The gDesklets Team

This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL.

GtkDeprecationWarni ng: gtk.mainloop is deprecated, use gtk.main instead
  self.warn(message, DeprecationWarning)
Parse Error: <unknown>:1:0: syntax error
closing 110159866021067170890044
collected garbage: 7     uncollectable: 0
purging 110159866021067170890044
Parse Error: <unknown>:1:1: not well-formed (invalid token)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/config/", line 34, in 
    self.update_observer(self.OBS_UPDATE, path, value.get_string())
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/utils/", line 45, in 
    h( * [self] + list(args) )
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/config/", line 42, in 
    handler( * [path, value] )
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/main/", line 89, in __on_watch
    self.__add_display(ident, displays[ident])
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/main/", line 116, in __add_display
    dsp = self.__create_display(ident, path)
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/main/", line 173, in __create_display
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/main/", line 93, in remove_display
    del displays[id]
KeyError: '1101598673240357986358018'
Parse Error: <unknown>:1:0: syntax error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/config/", line 34, in 
    self.update_observer(self.OBS_UPDATE, path, value.get_string())
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/utils/", line 45, in 
    h( * [self] + list(args) )
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/config/", line 42, in 
    handler( * [path, value] )
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/main/", line 89, in __on_watch
    self.__add_display(ident, displays[ident])
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/main/", line 116, in __add_display
    dsp = self.__create_display(ident, path)
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/main/", line 173, in __create_display
  File "/usr/share/gdesklets/main/", line 93, in remove_display
    del displays[id]
KeyError: '1101598686950313610780931'
Parse Error: <unknown>:1:0: syntax error/

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