Fwd: Here comes the Ubuntu Bot !

Pierre Slamich pierre.slamich at gmail.com
Lun 17 Juin 00:17:53 UTC 2013

Je vous présente le robot ubuntu qui donnera désormais automatiquement
chaque semaine les statistiques :-)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pierre Slamich <pierre.slamich at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 2:08 AM
Subject: Here comes the Ubuntu Bot !
To: Ubuntu Translators <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>

Still experimental. Beware. Report any errors by replying. His friend, the
ubuntu bot should the operational soon. Hopefully, both will soon be able
to send mail on their own ^^

Note that 1/This is not a true week on week as it's the first week and
2/that it's This week's Saucy vs last week's Raring as Saucy has just been
opened for translations. Both issues will thus disappear next week.

Hi All,
During the week ending today (6/17/2013), work on Ubuntu progressed like
this :
Bosnian: 11406 untranslated strings (1576 strings change W/W)
Spanish: 13696 untranslated strings (112 strings change W/W)
German: 34515 untranslated strings (926 strings change W/W)
Brazilian Portuguese: 40439 untranslated strings (1003 strings change W/W)
French: 50507 untranslated strings (198 strings change W/W)
Russian: 63987 untranslated strings (950 strings change W/W)
Ukrainian: 66364 untranslated strings (842 strings change W/W)
Turkish: 71088 untranslated strings (1184 strings change W/W)
Italian: 74872 untranslated strings (685 strings change W/W)
Polish: 77140 untranslated strings (845 strings change W/W)

The Ubuntu Bot
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