Fwd: Nightmonkey is back into action !

Pierre Slamich pierre.slamich at gmail.com
Jeu 18 Avr 21:38:05 UTC 2013

Très très bonne nouvelle... Nightmonkey est de retour. L'outil est très
simple à utiliser et va nous permettre de nous concentrer sur les paquets
les plus importants :

pierre.slamich at gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pierre Slamich <pierre.slamich at gmail.com>
Date: 2013/4/18
Subject: Nightmonkey is back into action !
To: Ubuntu Translators <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>
Cc: István Nyitrai <sianis at gmail.com>

The rumors are true... Nightmonkey is back into action, thanks to the
resolution of a long standing Launchpad bug that broke it in the first
Solving that bug enabled the Offline Nightmonkey tool you saw before, but
I'm very glad to tell you that István reenabled today deep-linking in the
actual online Nightmonkey, effectively bypassing the infamous timeout bug

In simple terms, this means we'll now be able to translate the Package
Descriptions by popularity (both popcon and ratings), by keyword (science,
biology, GNOME, KDE, Ubuntu…), by repository (main, multiverse, universe…)
and by status (translated/non translated).

The translated/untranslated status is updated daily at 08:00 - CET.
Nightmonkey is available for/in many languages and will enable us to
globally reach casual translators and communities around specific packages
or themes.

Head to http://nightmonkey.ubuntu.hu/ to enjoy the awesomeness and
Congratulations to István !

pierre.slamich at gmail.com
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